Thursday, December 27, 2007

Builders: 1, Scoffers: 0

You know who you scoffers.
Behold, the bookcase.
At this pace, we're looking at a Spring 2010 grand opening.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Um yes, Molly here,
I couldnt help but notice the sign up sheet for the next project in line. My mommy would love to have a project or two done. That's about as likely as Mozart sharing his bone. Ok, I'll run around here pretending to be in the Royal Palace.
Where's the weiner? Isn't this about the weiner? You humans are taking over the weiner's blog!!! Back I say or someone gets bit! the Weinie!!!
If you must know, I have indeed latched on to Momo's bone and am enjoying it like never before. Awe the sweet taste of victory. The Christmas bone, rawhide and gas. What more could a dog of such pedagree ask for?
Moses and Mozart are now sharing the back of the recliner...I wont go into details as to how they came to that arrangement...surfice it to say, It was ugly.
Oh by the way, who is first in line to clean up the leavings from the rampage in DeeDee's trash? Any takers? Just as I suspected! You're all WEAK!
Ok, carried away as usual, I'm back to the bone.
Chow for now my little schnitzel, where ever you are!
licks and wags, Miss Molly